What Your Doctor Got Wrong About Kidney failure or kidney Disease

If you’ve been diagnosed with kidney failure/ disease, your first question to your doctor was probably along the lines of: “What? Me? How I am able to do coop it?” Unfortunately, you were probably left upset and frustrated by the solution.

 The first question you should ask is What is the reason for it? How come you got it?

Generally, what Western doctors see as kidney disease is a one-way journey. They say it only progress, goes from bad to worse, and your best hope is to stall your decline with drugs before you succumb to dialysis or transplant. Along with this present journey, you will expect insomnia, muscle cramps, itching, swelling, fatigue, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms.

Like many people in your situation, you might be feeling angry, anxious, clueless, powerless, or even depressed about your diagnosis. It’s completely clear; nobody wants to take a seat and watch as their health slips away. Nobody wants to accept a bag full of medications, machines, and surgeries. Nobody wants to offer up years of quality time with their loved ones.

But… what if you didn’t have to?

Kidney Disease – Is It Really a One-Way Street?

What if your doctor is “wrong” about kidney disease? What if the progression can be stopped, or even reversed?

We tend to look at our family doctors as all-knowing beliefs with our best interests at heart. If there was something – anything! — they might do, surely, they’d tell us?

Fact: The truth is that doctors work within a narrow, rigid medical system. There’s little question that Western medicine offers an excellent thing, but this system is additionally far too quick to dismiss natural, holistic teachings, a number of which have served us for thousands of years. If it’s not shiny, new, and made during a high-tech lab, it’s simply not valued.

Kidney disease – is it really a one-way street?

Now you have to think about, what if your doctor is wrong about kidney failure or disease? What if it can be reversed or even stopped from progression?

We always think that our doctors are our best well-wishers & they keep our best interests at heart. If there was something – anything about kidney! — they should communicate with us?

Is IT SO??

Are there any doctors that DO try to think or believe outside the established system? Few ones may understand the incredible power and the value of what nature gave us? One thing we must understand if there is disease Nature must have created a way out. Someone should try to draw knowledge from ancient wisdom and combine it with modern advances? They’re quickly red-taped and put back in their places, or cast out of the system altogether.

When it comes to kidney problems or disease, it’s time to accept that there’s a really important place for both approaches.

Healing The Kidneys Naturally. Is It Really Possible?

The Answer is Yes, it is!

 Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal MD (Alternative Medicine) a naturopath, nutritionist, and medical researcher, has been specializing in natural kidney health for more than two decades. His interest began when his close relative was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease at age 66 due to the side effects of Allopathic Medicines which a Rheumatologist prescribed.

The Patient was complaining that she had hematuria(blood in Urine). When the patient was taken for her blood test, the results, there was an alarming deterioration of kidney function appeared to be. Her feet seem to be swollen. When Dr. Shridhar discussed this with the Rheumatologist he was stunned by the response. The Rheumatologist showed anger and told them nothing can be done but he should not stop the medication.

The patient had a stage 4 kidney disease, but the doctor hadn’t even mentioned it. Why? He said that nothing could be done about it, she has to be continued on drugs like HCQs & Methotrexate, so he hadn’t seen the point in bringing it up. He said that dialysis would be her only option.

A life hooked up to medicines & Hospital treatment even after the best available healthcare her health slipped away? In the Patient’s eyes, he might as well have handed her a death sentence.

After the diagnosis, Dr. Aggarwal researched out to find a natural remedy to help support the Patient’s kidney health. He was a student of Ayurveda Medicine at that time. he poured every ounce of energy into researching and creating a healing protocol for close-knit relatives.  Even dr. Aggarwal was astounded by the power of what they found.

With the protocol which was developed, they helped the patient to go from stage 4 to stage 1 kidney disease in just 12 weeks. Her creatinine went down from 5 to 1.2 mg/dl, her GFR went up, and the looming threat of dialysis went up in a puff of smoke.

The patient’s doctor had told her this wasn’t possible. She chose not to accept her fate, and as a result, she enjoyed another wonderful decade with her family & she is still doing good. That means 13 long years she was able to live without dialysis.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Failure

Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Failure


The Kidney Failure or Disease Solution: A Holistic Approach.

Based on their success with their first patient, Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal went on to develop the Kidney Disease Solution, different for different types of patients, step-by-step approach to natural kidney healing. Since then, they’ve helped over 15,000 people to achieve similarly life-changing results. In the past 18 years, he has been helping kidney patients to reverse or managing kidney disease now without dialysis and transplant.

Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal says that, in order to have the best possible chance of recovery from kidney disease, you need to think beyond the kidneys. The Kidney Disease Solution advocates a whole-body approach, taking into account the specific root cause of kidney disease & that’s why the solution is specific for all types of kidney diseases. No one medicine can cure this ailment as this is quite a bit complicated.

Dr. Shridhar points out that every kidney failure has a cause, like diabetes, high blood pressure, lupus, and IgA nephropathy. By treating the root causes of kidney problems, one can prevent these illnesses from further eating away at your kidney function.

The important part of the story is Diet and nutrition, without which it is not possible to treat.  The conventional advice of your family physician does take this into account, but According to Dr. Shridhar, it doesn’t go far enough. For example, your doctor‘s advice will be to reduce sodium and potassium intake. Actual advice, doesn’t cover what foods to eat instead. If you replace potassium-rich foods with unhealthy alternatives, you’re simply aggravating other health problems that can contribute to the decline of your kidney functions. The same is with the use of diuretics which actually decay the health of kidneys.  We all have to follow one simple path eat Regional & seasonal.

The third pillar of the ayurvedic treatment for Kidney failure approach is to draw on the power of natural supplements. Dr. Aggarwal stresses that he’s not talking about bags of roots, powders & liquids from Ayurveda, he’s referring to evidence-based herbal medicine in controlled, measured dosages, sourced from reputable, top-level suppliers.

As an example, Gokshura Present in our Nephro-active Plus is an herbal extract from the plant named Tribulus terristis that have been proven diuretic.  In one study, Punnarnava & Gokshura when given to 100 patients with kidney failure who were having kidney failure. In just four to six weeks, urea and creatinine levels had dropped significantly. Quality of life had improved too; the patients were physically stronger, their appetites had returned, and they were sleeping better.

Herbs present in our Kidney Care Kadha also have been trailed on Kidney Failure Patients. This is just one of the powerful natural supplements used in Kidney Disease Solution. It proves that even when your kidney disease has progressed to the point of dialysis, there is still hope to restore your kidney health and your quality of life.

howcto reduce creatine

How To Reduce Creatinine

As the number of patients suffering from kidney disease is increasing, reducing creatinine is a great concern and difficult too. Creatinine is basically a natural waste product that our muscles create. As the kidneys filter blood they remove Creatinine from our body. Creatinine can increase in the blood if a person has a kidney issue, but this could also happen from a high intake of protein, intense exercise, and the use of certain supplements & medications.

All Doctors often recommend a Serum creatinine blood test to determine how the kidneys are functioning. High levels of Creatinine in the blood or urine can suggest that the kidneys are not filtering the blood effectively. They are not performing their function well or reduced functionality indicates they are failing.

Having high levels of creatinine is not life-threatening, but it may be precursor of a serious health issue, such as chronic kidney disease. If a person has high creatinine levels due to a kidney disorder, the doctor will definitely recommend medical treatment or in allopathy, if creatinine is too high patient has advised dialysis and in extreme cases, a kidney transplant. Diet and lifestyle changes form a very important part of any disease treatment in Ayurveda.

In this article, we are sharing some tips on How to Reduce Urea & Creatinine Naturally


A person may be able to reduce and manage the creatinine level by incorporating some of the following changes to their diet.

Reducing Protein Intake

According to a 2014 Research, eating cooked red meat can increase levels of Creatinine. Red meat is basically a muscle tissue, which naturally contains creatine, which gets converted into creatinine after cooking. When a person eats this cooked meat, their body absorbs the creatinine, and their Serum Creatinine levels may rise.

Eating less red meat and fewer fish products decreases protein intake, which can reduce high creatinine levels. A person should try including more sources of plant-based/vegetable proteins, such as beans, in their diet.

Which Foods Can Boost Kidney Health?

Increasing Dietary Fiber Intake

Dietary fiber provides a range of health benefits like reducing/managing creatinine levels.

A review of research studies published in 2014 spotted that dietary fiber helped lower Serum Creatinine levels in people with chronic kidney disease or CRF.

Many plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, and whole grains, contain fiber. We recommend more seasonal fruits and vegetables for auto-immune kidney failure patients.

Stay Hydrated

Creatinine levels may arise when a person is dehydrated. Signs of dehydration include excessive thirst, dizziness, and weakness. Severe dehydration can put more strain on the cardiovascular and other organ systems. It can be life-threatening as well.

Drinking water or ORS is the best way to correct or prevent dehydration.

To Make Plain Water More Appealing, Try:

  • adding a few leaves of mint
  • adding a slice of lemon or cucumber with salt
  • fizzy water

Herbal Teas And Decoction Is Another Option.

Any person who experiences ongoing dehydration should see a doctor, as it can be a sign of a kidney injury. People who exercise intensely without drinking fluids, for example, may also be at risk of damaging their kidneys.

Restricted Supplement And Medication Use

Some supplements may increase creatinine levels. Avoiding these supplements obviously help lower levels. Many athletes and bodybuilders take supplements containing creatine to build muscle strength and endurance. The muscles use creatine for energy, but if the muscles do not use it completely, the body converts it into creatinine. This can result in high creatinine levels that doctors may misinterpret as kidney disease.

Thus, it’s necessary for people with high creatinine levels should avoid any product that contains creatine.

Are Creatine Supplements A Good Idea?

Considering A Herbal Supplement

Punnarnava, Gokshura (Nephro-active Plus- is a more potent herbal supplement) & few more herbs play an important role in traditional Indian medicine as a treatment for kidney disorders. There are a lot more herbs that may prove beneficial in lowering creatinine level and maintain kidney health. In the subsequent articles, I will be explaining more about how to reduce Creatinine naturally.

How to Reduce Creatinine Levels In Blood

Reduce Protein Intake

  • Stop taking protein diet which is taken by bodybuilders and to make muscles. It increases the burden on kidneys and increases the creatinine level.
  • Consuming too much protein can cause a spike in creatinine levels.
  • Stop eating red meat.
  • Low protein diet reduces the production of nitrogenous waste which decreases the burden in kidneys.
  • Choose plant sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, and tofu, may reduce creatinine levels due to high absorption.

Low Salt Intake

It is mandatory to limit salt intake for people with high creatinine. Excess use of salt increases the chances of high blood pressure which is very harmful to people with high creatinine levels. Too much salt makes you feel thirsty, and drinking too much fluid can cause swelling of the face, legs and abdomen, and an increase in blood pressure. It also increases the urine level which puts the burden on kidneys and increases creatinine levels.

Avoid vitamin c

Avoid the use of food products that contain citrus. They increase the burden on kidneys.

Increase dietary fiber

Dietary fiber helped people with chronic kidney disease lower their creatinine levels.

Many plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, and whole grains contain fiber.  High dietary fiber intake is associated with a lower risk of inflammation and mortality in kidney disease. Dietary fiber also has the ability to reduce inflammation and all-cause mortality in chronic kidney disease.

Reduce the intake of fluid

Excess fluid intake can be a problem for people with kidney disease. Stop taking too much fluid.

Avoid Creatinine-Based Supplements

People who have high creatinine levels should avoid creatinine supplements. Creatinine supplements such as weight gaining products which contains Creatinine as protein. These products increase the burden on kidneys.

Quit smoking

Smoking can worsen kidney disease and diseases that damage the kidneys, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. High blood pressure and diabetes are the major cause of kidney disease.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise should help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing kidney disease.

Use of herbs

The Ayurvedic treatment of chronic renal failure is based on three principles:

  • Treating the damaged kidneys
  • Treating the body tissues (dhatus) which make up the kidneys and
  • Treating the known cause.
  • The advantage of using Ayurvedic medicines in chronic renal failure is that in most patients, the kidney damage can be either partly or fully reversed, the frequency of dialysis can be reduced, and the increased risk of death from cardiovascular diseases can be significantly reduced. Thus, Ayurvedic Medicines have the potential for an important therapeutic contribution in all the stages of this condition.

Use Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements like

Kidney Care Kadha

It acts as a diuretic. It decreases the creatinine level in blood. Unless diuretics it has no side effects. For more information click on it


It acts as an anti-inflammatory. It reduces the swelling on the feet and body caused by kidney disorders. For more information click on it

Nephro- active plus (Gokshura)

It acts as diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It reduces the burden on kidneys & helps to reduce Creatinine levels. For more information click on it


Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure

Herbs Which Are Good For Cleansing the Kidney

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure are well known for its multiple benefits. There are a lot of herbs that are known to Cleanse Kidneys. These herbs are known for their best effects on the kidney as they lower Creatinine overload in blood & help in ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure. A few herbs have been listed below.

kidney failure



Garlic has the potential to cure kidney conditions. It contains allicin which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. These properties help in cleansing of kidneys.


Turmeric has the best action to treat kidney infection. It contains curcumin which inhibits the growth and spread of all kinds of microbes. It helps the kidney to remain healthy. Research shows the curcumin extract of Turmeric to clear the fluid overload in the body as well. It also has a healing effect on the body and is also useful in IgA nephropathy.


Cranberry has excellent action to treat kidney infections. It helps in cleansing of kidneys. It has been widely researched and its effects on the healing of kidneys have also shown good results.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Dandelion Root

It acts in urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, anemia and liver disorders. It helps in cleansing the kidney due to diuretic properties.


This herb is useful for dealing with urinary and kidney disorders as well as problems of water retention. It has strong antioxidant activity because of its high phenolic content. This antioxidant activity protects the kidney against oxidative stress and renal cell injury. It is one of the best ayurvedic treatment.


This herb has a blood purifier and diuretic properties. These properties act very well on urinary tract infections. It has a property to eliminate any deposits that can cause cystitis, inflammation, and stone formation.

It contains tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and other plant sterols. These properties help Varuna to protect against free radical damage induced kidney damage. The anti-lithogenic and anti-crystallization effects of Varuna help in the elimination and prevention of kidney and bladder stones.

Gokshura (nephro-active plus)

It is the best medicine to treat kidney disorders. It acts as diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It decreases the burden on kidneys. It reduces the Creatinine level and helps in the reduction of swelling on the body.

Kidney Care Kadha

It contains the best herbs that deal with a kidney. It has diuretic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps kidneys in the elimination of waste. It reduces the creatinine level. This herb is the Best ayurvedic Treatment for kidney failure.

how to reduce creatinine

How to Reduce Creatinine

Before looking for a solution to a problem, we first need to understand the problem and its cause. Here we need to know what is Creatinine?

Creatinine is a waste item that is produced as a by-product of metabolism going on in muscles. The primary function of the kidneys is to filter blood, i.e. to filter Urea, Creatinine & other wastes from the blood and it is expelled through the Urine from our human body. Yet, in the event, because of any reason Creatinine level is found to stay high for a couple of hours, this, by and large, demonstrates impairment in kidney function.

The normal range of Creatinine for males is 0.6 – 1.2 mg/dl. For females, the normal range is somewhat brought down 0.5 – 1.1 mg/dl according to the lab, as females have fewer muscle mass than males.

There are an excessive number of components that can cause large amounts of creatinine levels, viz. as basic as drying out and unnecessary strenuous exercise can cause this, specific pharmaceuticals, kidney infection, thyroid issues, diabetes, and hypertension may likewise be the reasons.

Few individuals who eat an excess of non-vegetarian food and Creatine supplements can encounter high creatinine levels.

  1. Reduce vigorous exercise

Work out/Exercise is useful for a healthy living and well being. However, trying too hard may increase your creatinine levels. In Ayurvedic course readings additionally, strenuous exercise and weight lifting are denied. Since muscle digestion produces creatinine, overusing muscles through strenuous action may raise creatinine levels.

One examination shows that extreme exercise increments creatinine levels as a reaction to expanded muscle breakdown, in any event briefly.

Consult with your specialist about what kind of activity and how much you ought to do. Try walking instead of running & lifting weights. Do yoga and pranayama instead.

  1. Try not to take Supplements containing Creatine

Creatine is a characteristic compound made in your liver. It’s shipped to your muscles where it’s utilized for vitality. Unused creatine not utilized as vitality changes over into creatinine, a waste item.

Notwithstanding its characteristic frame, creatine is likewise accessible as an oral supplement. A few competitors utilize these supplements to help improve athletic execution. Much the same as common creatine, supplements containing this substance deliver creatinine.

Anybody wishing to diminish creatinine levels ought not to take creatine supplements. There is restricted research on creatine supplements and their general wellbeing.

  1. Reduce Protein Diet

Research demonstrates eating a lot of protein can increment creatinine levels, in any event incidentally. Cooked red meat specifically can influence creatinine. The warmth from cooking causes creatine found in meat to deliver creatinine.

Individuals with diets high in red meat or other protein sources, including dairy items, may have higher creatinine levels than individuals who eat less of those nourishments.

We need to estimate the allowed intake of proteins. The Dietary Reference Intake is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound.

This amounts to:

  • 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man.
  • 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.

But for a kidney disease patient we need to know protein requirements according to patient condition, so please consult your physician for the same.

  1. Increase Fiber Diet

More research is expected to decide the impact dietary fiber has on creatinine levels. But in a scientific study, a huge decrease in creatinine levels was observed in individuals with chronic kidney disease who increased their fiber intake.

Fiber can be found in numerous food items including:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • whole grains
  • legumes
  1. Limit Liquid Intake

Lack of hydration can raise creatinine levels. Liquid admission can likewise be an issue for a few people who have kidney sickness. Converse with your specialist about how much water and different liquids you should drink every day and when is best to drink them.

 Ayurvedic Supplements Can Help

Few herbs have been demonstrated to lessen Creatinine levels. These herbs are Punnarnava(click here punarnav Plus), Gokshura(click here Nephroactive caps.), Varuna, etc.

Numerous herbs have a diuretic action and may help to lessen creatinine levels. Research is also proving that few herbs help in reducing Creatinine levels & also stop the progression of kidney disease.

We at Dr. Aggarwal’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Research Centre provide efficacious and result in an oriented approach to chronic kidney disease. Our specific products like kidney care Kadha have specific herbs that are needed to restore normal kidney function. For more info on this click here.

kidney failure treatment

kidney Failure Treatment – (Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Risk factors and Treatment)

kidney Failure Treatment – (Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Risk factors and Treatment)


Abnormal functioning of kidney causes ESRD.


ESRD occurs when kidney is not in state of proper functioning and life depends on dialysis and transplant. This type of kidney failure is permanent. It can’t be fixed. Diabetes and Hypertension are main causes of ESRD. Other reasons of ESRD are some reactions to medicines, injuries and some are born with us. Dialysis or a kidney transplant t is necessary to live in ESRD.


Ø             Weakness

Ø             Heaviness on head

Ø             Decreased amount of urination

Ø             Vomiting

Ø             Loss of weight

Ø             Tiredness

Ø             Pain in bones

Ø             Disturbance in menstrual periods

Ø             Change in colour of skin

Ø             Changes in nail

Ø             Swelling of the hands & feet

Ø             Numbness in the hands & feet


Urine & blood test should be done in ESRD. These tests measure levels of creatinine and urea nitrogen in the urine and blood.

Blood test: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (e GFR) is for creatinine.

GFR is the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidneys from the renal glomerular capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule / unit time.

If estimated GFR is less than 15 then it is considered to be ESRD.

Risk factors

The persons who are suffering from following are at the high risk of ESRD:

Ø             Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Ø             Injury or trauma to the kidneys

Ø             Major blood loss


Different complications are associated with kidney disease that sometimes contribute to worsen the condition of the patient.

Ø             Swelling

Ø             Hypertension

Ø             Infertility

Ø             High risk of infection

Ø             Rise in level of potassium

Difference between CKD & ESRD

CKD occurs when there is permanent damage to the kidney. Kidney may still work well enough for patient to live, even if they have some damage.

CKD can lead to kidney failure (ESRD) when functioning of both the kidney get worse. In ESRD the kidney do not work well enough for you to live.

 Can ESRD be reversed?

In ESRD, nephrons are damaged in large number which leads to low kidney function. The damaged part of kidney is able to be repaired with the help of right treatment.

How can ESRD be reversed?

In modern medicines, there are 2 choices for patients with ESRD i.e. Dialysis & Kidney transplant.

There are different Alternative Treatment options available. Ayurveda  provides an alternative of dialysis & kidney transplant. In Ayurvedic  kidney treatment, patient’s kidney disease is controlled by herbal medicine, diet plan & lifestyle.

Ayurveda helps to recover the kidney from ESRD. There are many herbs which repair the renal parenchyma & stop further damage of kidney. Due to this, kidney will slowly and gradually start its functioning as before. Ayurvedic medicine also decrease the level of urea & creatinine.

Glomerular filteration rate decreases because of ESRD which results in the accumulation of excess water, salt & toxic products in the body. Ayurvedic herbs also help to eliminate these toxins from the body.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure  just not works to suppress the symptoms as allopathic treatment. It works to eliminate the root cause of disease. It helps to treat hypertension & diabetes which are major cause of ESRD. Natural herbs which are used to prepare ayurvedic medicine has best properties to overcome the bad effects of disease & to treat the disease. These all facts are scientifically proven.

Some ayurvedic herbs which help to treat ESRD are Crataeva nurvela, Boerhaavia diffusa & Tribulus terrestris).

Prevention from ESRD

ESRD is not preventable in some patients. The leading cause of CKD is Diabetes and Hypertension. By controlling these 2 factors kidney can be prevented from ESRD.

Kidneys can be protected by following these healthy habits:

Ø             Have regular checkups with doctor.

Ø             Eat a low fat, low salt diet.

Ø             Exercise regularly.

Ø             Avoid tobacco.

Ø             Drink alcohol only in moderation.

Kidney Failure Treatment – How to Reduce Creatinine

Toxic Foods To Avoid In Kidney Failure or How to reduce creatinine

Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure

The tips can be used with any type of kidney disease to reduce the stress on renal organs and slow down the disease progress.

What kind of changes do I need to make on a renal failure diet?

We have to limit the amount of protein

This directly helps to decrease waste in your blood.

Foods that are high in protein are poultry (chicken and turkey), meat, eggs, fish, and dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt).

Kidney patients should limit the amount of phosphorus, Kidneys cannot get rid of extra phosphorus that builds up in your blood. This may cause bones to lose calcium and weaken as high phosphorous leads to less absorption.

Foods rich in phosphorus are beans, nuts, dairy products, peas, and whole grains. Phosphorus is also found in cocoa, beer, and cola drinks.

Kidney patients should limit sodium content in daily food items.

If you have high blood pressure or extra fluid in your body.

Kidney patients need to reduce their sodium(Na) intake to 1500 mg every day.

Canned foods, salted snacks, Table salt, soups, and processed meats, like sausage & deli meats are rich in sodium content.

Kidney patients have to Limit potassium content in food as well.

Potassium is found in all fruits and vegetables. Patients should limit fruits and vegetables that are high in potassium LIKE POMEGRANATE BANANA, GUAVA, ORANGE.

Limit the number of liquids or water intake should be restricted to all kidney patients especially who are on stage 5.

If your body retains fluids, you will have swelling and fluid may build up in your lungs. This can cause other health problems, such as shortness of breath or breathlessness.

View video to know more

stages of kidney failure

Stages of Kidney Failure

Stages of Kidney Failure

With chronic kidney disease, the kidneys don’t usually fail all at once. Instead, kidney disease often progresses slowly over a period of years.

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) created a guideline to help doctors identify each level of kidney disease. The NKF divided kidney disease into five stages.

Where you are placed into CKD stage 3 or higher, it usually depends on an estimate of kidney function.

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best measure of kidney function. A math formula using the person’s age, race, gender, and serum creatinine is used to calculate a GFR. A doctor will order a blood test to measure the serum creatinine level. As kidney function slows, blood levels of creatinine rise.

Even with a normal GFR, you may be at increased risk for developing CKD if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of kidney disease. The risk increases with age: People over 65 are more than twice as likely to develop CKD as people between the ages of 45 and 65.
Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease.


(estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) ml/min/1.73 m
Stage 1: the eGFR shows normal kidney function but you are already known to have some kidney damage or disease. For example, you may have some protein or blood in your urine, an abnormality of your kidney, kidney inflammation, etc. The goals of treatment are to slow the progression of CKD and reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

90 or more
Stage 2: Mildly reduced kidney function AND you are already known to have some kidney Damage or Disease. Continue treatment to reduce the risk of other health problems.

60 to 89

Stage 3: Moderately reduced kidney function. (With or without known kidney disease.) Anemia and bone problems become more common. Work to prevent or treat these complications.

45 to 59 (3A)

30 to 44 (3B)

Stage 4: Severely reduced kidney function. (With or without known kidney disease.) Continue following the treatment for complications of CKD.

p style=”text-align: justify;”>15 to 29

Stage 5: Very severely reduced kidney function. This is sometimes called end-stage kidney failure or established renal failure.

Less than 15 or On Dialysis
* All GFR values are normalized to an average surface area (size) of 1.73m2
p suffix: the addition of p to a stage (e.g. 3Ap, 4p) means that there is significant proteinuria (more info)
T – the addition of T to a stage (e.g. 3AT) indicates that the patient has a renal transplant.
D – the addition of D to stage 5 CKD (e.g. 5D) indicates that the patient is on dialysis


Allopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure

Alternative Treatment (Ayurveda) for Kidney Failure

1. Steroids, Suppresses Symptoms, Doesn’t Control Progression, Complications like Heart, Bone problems
Curable with Ayurveda, Disease removed from roots, No side effects, Control Complications

2. Steroids, Suppresses Symptoms, Doesn’t Control Progression, Complications like Heart, Bone problems, Other Side effects Curable with Ayurveda, Disease removed from roots, Control Complications, No side effects

3. Steroids, Suppresses Symptoms, Doesn’t Control Progression, Complications like Heart, Bone problems, Side effects like Puffiness on the face. 90% Curable, Controlling the progression of the disease, Control Complications.

4. Dialysis, May ask for Transplant
90% Curable With controlling the progression of the disease, Stop Dialysis, No need for Transplant

5. Dialysis, Transplant 80% Curable, Manageable With Controlling Progression of disease, Stop Dialysis, No need for Transplant

My stage keeps changing: It is normal for measurements of creatinine and therefore GFR to change a bit from one measurement to the next. In some patients, these changes may seem large, and enough to move you from one stage to another and then back again. As long as things aren’t getting progressively worse, it is the average that is important.

For more info please watch this video for stages of kidney stone:-

ayurvedic treatment for pkd

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pkd

Polycystic Kidney Disease

PKD is an inherited kidney disorder. It causes fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. PKD may impair kidney function and cause kidney failure.

PKD is generally inherited. Less commonly, it develops in patients who have other serious kidney problems.

There are three types of PKD.

Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD)

According to UCM, ADPKD accounts for about 90 percent of PKD cases. This form of the disease is passed from parent to child by dominant inheritance. In other words, only one copy of the abnormal gene is needed to cause the disease. If one parent has the disorder, the chance of passing it down to their child is 50 percent (UCM, 2012). ADPKD is sometimes called adult PKD. Symptoms usually develop later in life, between the ages of 30 and 40. However, symptoms can start in childhood.

Autosomal Recessive PKD (ARPKD)

It is also inherited. However, both parents must carry the gene for the disease. This form of the disease is passed from parent to child by recessive inheritance. Symptoms can begin in the earliest months of life, even in the womb. It tends to be very serious, progresses rapidly, and is often fatal in the first few months of life. This form of ARPKD is extremely rare. It occurs in 1 out of 25,000 people.

There are four types of ARPKD:

  • perinatal form (the disorder is present at birth)
  • neonatal form (the disorder occurs within the first month of life)
  • infantile form (the disorder occurs when the child is 3 to 6 months old)
  • a juvenile form (the disorder occurs after the child is 1 year old)

Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease (ACKD)

ACKD is not inherited. It usually develops in patients who already have other kidney problems. It is more common in those who have kidney failure or are on dialysis. ACKD usually occurs later in life.

ACKD can happen in kidneys with long-term damage and severe scarring, so it is often associated with kidney failure and dialysis. About 90 percent of people on dialysis for 5 years develop ACKD. People with ACKD usually seek help because they notice blood in their urine. This is because the cysts bleed into the urinary system, which discolors urine.

What Are the Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

The main symptoms of PKD include:

  • pain or tenderness in the abdomen
  • blood in the urine
  • frequent urination
  • pain in the sides
  • urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • kidney stones
  • high blood pressure

Sometimes There Is No Symptom At All. Only A Simple Ultrasound Tells You To Have Cystic Kidneys.


PKD is an inherited disorder.

Review family history. Initial test:

  • a complete blood count (CBC) looking for anemia or signs of infection
  • a urinalysis looking for blood and/or protein

Imaging tests used to diagnose PKD include:

  • abdominal ultrasound: the most useful, non-invasive study using sound waves to look for cysts
  • abdominal CT scan: can detect smaller cysts in the kidney; uses X-rays to build a cross-section of your abdomen
  • abdominal MRI scan: uses strong magnets to image your body to visualize kidney structure and look for cysts
  • intravenous pyelogram (IVP): uses a dye to make your blood vessels show up more clearly on an X-ray

Polycystic Kidney Disease Watch Video to Know More


The goal of PKD treatment is to manage symptoms.

  • pain medication
  • blood pressure medication
  • antibiotics (to treat UTI)
  • a low-sodium (salt) diet
  • diuretics (to help remove excess fluid)
  • surgery (to drain cysts and help relieve discomfort)

With advanced PKD, dialysis and kidney transplant may be necessary. One or both of the kidneys may need to be removed.

Ayurvedic treatment for PKD is very useful in providing symptomatic relief.  Ayurvedic formulations have no side effects like Allopathic medicine. Also, Ayurvedic medicines can maintain blood pressure & maintain urine flow to reduce future complications like ascites.

What Other Organs Besides The Kidney Are Affected By PKD?

PKD can affect other organs besides the kidney. People with PKD may have cysts in their liver, pancreas, spleen, ovaries, and large bowel. PKD can also affect the brain or heart.

Other Complications

  • anemia (insufficient red blood cells)
  • bleeding or bursting of cysts
  • high blood pressure
  • kidney stones
  • recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • cardiovascular disease- mitral valve prolapse
  • brain aneurysms
  • diverticula (pouches or pockets in the wall of the colon)
  • cataracts or blindness
  • liver disease

Does Everyone With PKD Develop Kidney Failure?

No. About 50 percent of people with PKD will have kidney failure by age 60, and about 60 percent will have kidney failure by age 70. Certain people have an increased risk of kidney failure including:

  • men
  • patients with high blood pressure
  • patients with protein or blood in their urine
  • women with high blood pressure who have had more than three pregnancies


In most people, PKD slowly gets worse over time. It may lead to liver disease. Eventually, the disease ends in kidney failure.

Proper medical care can relieve PKD symptoms for years, managing it with Ayurveda can help.

Talk to a genetic counselor if you have a family history of PKD and are planning to have children.



Yes, there is an old saying “Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY”. We will say – If you have will, We will show you the WAY.

The Ayurvedic Treatment For PKD Will Have The Following Medicines:

 Vridhivatika Vati

  1. Loknath Rasa
  2. Kanchnar guggul
  3. Vijaysar

 For more information & for purchasing these products, you can call our helpline no. +91 8699017567( 8 AM to 8 PM IST)

renal failure treatment

Renal Failure Treatment – Stop Dialysis


Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Stop Dialysis

Renal Failure Treatment

Kidney Failure is a dreaded disease. Patient not only suffers physically but also mentally disturbed because of dialysis process and other complications going on. Complications like Vomiting, Itching, Swelling, Stomach Pain, Weakness, Fever etc. Also, the major fear in a kidney patient is “TRANSPLANT”.

Financially stable person opts to go for transplant but we have already discussed the success rate of transplant and possible complications after transplant.

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