Ayurvedic treatment for stress

Ayurvedic treatment for stress

Ayurvedic Treatment for Stress

Stress — I don’t have stress. Do you really mean No? Ayurveda Explains Stress

Stress is a wide term for what we experience in life whether that’s work pressure, the urgency to reach office in time or anything which happens out of the way.

Just have a look at this example.

Suppose you had office workload & you were working late last night till 3 am.

The next morning, you got up late and now you are running to reach the office in time to present your report.

It’s raining heavily and you are stuck in heavy traffic. Further construction work on the highway slowed you down.

When you reached office the meeting had already started, that too without you, of course. At that moment, you heard your heartbeat pounding, loud and risky.

Notice something about the above situation? The majority of the things that happened were outside your ability to control.

Try not to quiet your nerves by snatching some espresso/tea. That will just give you a bogus adrenaline surge, and within no time, you’ll feel more down/lethargy than at any other time.

What is this “adrenaline surge” at any rate? To put it in all respects basically, adrenaline is nature’s method for helping you manage a crisis. At the point when feelings of anxiety climb, similar to river spilling out of their banks in a flood, your sensory system kicks in, releasing hormones that help you rigging up for a “battle or flight” reaction. But Mother nature intended this mechanism as an emergency measure. The problem today is that we experience stress so often that our body’s neuro-transmission mechanism is having to kick in many times a day. In other words, our adrenal glands are fatigued and overworked. Result: millions of us are suffering from digestion problems, irritability, weight gain or weight loss, lowered immune function, and just plain exhaustion.

This is how present-day science examines pressure. Presently we need to understand what  Ayurveda says about it.

From ayurvedic ( Natural ) perspective, stress additionally upsets the internal harmony of your doshas—the three powers that administer your wellbeing on a subtle level.

Stress, in ayurvedic terminology, is basically related to the balance of our three vital doshas/energies, ie. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. To a very great extent, our daily routine work & habits determine how harmoniously these doshas function in the body. Maintaining doshas in good balance in day to day stress is like constantly calibrating(tuning) radio in a cloudy climate to get a clean signal.

Stress and its related issues combine up when we are not able to “balance” our body.  Be that as it may, this “tuning” is simpler — and increasingly fun — to do, on the off chance that we consider the moment and plentiful advantages it yields. For example, on the off chance that you remain warm in chilly climate, you will make your Vata dosha feel adjusted. In the event that you abstain from eating rice each day, you will make your Kapha dosha more settled. If you drink water for the duration of the day, your Pitta dosha will be cheerful. Having your meals in time will quiet down all your doshas.

What to Do About Everyday Stress | How to co-op Stress | Take a Relaxation Break

To prevent the buildup of stress, spend at least 5 to 10 minutes in Shavasana (corpse pose) daily.

Deep Breathing in shavasana will help. Diaphragmatic breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which counters the body’s fight-or-flight response to stress and puts us in rest-and-digest mode instead. Bring your attention to the sensation of the breath flowing in and out of your nostrils, and notice how the exhalation is slightly warm and the inhalation is moderately cool.
If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the breath. When thoughts arise, let them go. This practice balances the nervous system and fosters a relaxed, clear state of mind.

Bring yourself closer to Nature: Do a regular physical activity which includes 30-40 minutes of a nature walk, 20-30 minutes of yoga and pranayams. This will bring harmony to your vitiated doshas.

Eat nature, live nature and sleep nature. Nature has a typical regimen for all seasons and times. The day is meant for being alive and night is meant for sleeping. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, eat freshly cooked meals with natural ingredients. Our body is made up of food which so ever we eat & you will soon realize what difference your choice of food can make in helping you cope with stress.  Coffee and tea may give you kick in the morning but it is habit-forming, also caffeine stimulates our adrenal glands which help to release the stress neurotransmitters, which, over time, tires them. So, the best way to start your day is with Amlaki(Indian gooseberry ) powder or capsule whatever you choose. This is the best anti-oxidant and Rasayana for your body and has multiple effects on health, skin, hairs & stomach. All bread is fermented with the help of yeast so avoid them. Avoid synthetic hard, aged cheese — eat fresh homemade cottage cheese or paneer. Don’t buy fermented pre-sliced or canned fruit and veggies. Have them from a local farmer’s market & cook them the same day. Use cow’s ghee(clarified butter) or cook in sunflower oil.

Note: This simple lifestyle and thought process change will slowly eliminate stress and bring more life into your life. We can discuss the latest about Ayurvedic treatment for stress, next time we will discuss on Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure, ayurvedic treatment for cancer, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, ayurvedic treatment for arthritis.

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