

Botanical Name: Clerodendrum indicum/ Clerodendrum serratum

English Name: Blue Glory

Hindi Name: Bharangi

Common Name: Bharangi, kasaghni

Bharangi literally meaning ‘glorious’, is a woody medicinal shrub native to tropical and warm temperate regions, found throughout forests of India up to an altitude of 1500m. It is quiet beneficial for respiratory disorders like common cold, cough, asthma, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and other chronic respiratory problems. It is also known for its antipyretic properties so used for relief from fever and hyper-pyrexia. For ages, it has been used to restore the health of the lungs and give good swara (rhythm or sound) to the voice. It is also an appetizer, laxative and digests ‘ama’, thus beneficial in anorexia, tumours and distaste. It also acts as a potent blood purifier.

Classifical Categorization


Pureesha sangrahaniya – group of herbs that increases bulk of feces

Sushrut samhita  – Pippalyadi gana

Ashtanga Sangraha –  Pippalyadi gana

Ashtanga Hrudaya –   Akradi and Sursadi gana

Energetics of Bharangi

 According to Ayurveda     

Rasa (taste)                                               :         Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter)

Guna (physical property)                          :         Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry)

Virya (potency )                                         :        Ushna (Hot)

Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion)   :         Katu (pungent)

Effect on Tridosha : It balances kapha and vata doshas. Promotes pitta dosha.

Parts used: roots, leaves

Chemical Constituents

The leaves of Bharangi carry flavonoids namely scutellarein (0.5%), hispidulin (0.1%) and their 7-O-glucuronides; and sterols. Flowers contain triterpenoids and beta-sitosterol. Plant contains mannitol, b-sitosterol. Bark contains three triterpenoid constituents- queretaroic acid, oleonolic acid, and serratagenic acid,  hexitol and sorbitol.

Ayurvedic Role

Shwasahara– used in treatment of asthma and chronic respiratory diseases.

Kaphapaha – acts as mucolytic, break down mucus and eases it out of lungs.

Gulmahara – uses in abdominal tumors.

Jvarahara – helpful in fever

Vatarakta – used in gout

Yakshmahara – treatment of chronic respiratory conditions, tuberculosis

Peenasahara – used in rhinitis

Deepani – improves digestion strength

Shophahara – useful in inflammatory conditions

Vranashophahara – useful in abscess, infected wounds

Krimighna – useful in warm infestation

Dahahara – useful in burning sensation



Respiratory Disorders

Bharangi is very helpful in chronic respiratory problems including Asthma, Bronchitis, and Tuberculosis. It acts as an expectorant, thus used in respiratory issues like cold, cough and for hoarseness of voice. It also acts as a decongestant. In case of asthma, it is given to reduce the attacks of dyspnoea. It is an excellent bronchodilator. It has mucolytic action – it breaks down phlegm, mucus and oozes extra mucous out of the body.

Digestive Disorders

Bharangi is an appetizer, thus useful in anorexia. It is effectively used in indigestion, intestinal gas, stomach problems, stomach infection, hiccups. It boosts overall digestive health. It is also beneficial in food poisoning. It has laxative action also.


Bharangi is very useful in rheumatic conditions, gout and painful joints.

Liver Problems

Bharangi is very helpful in treating liver diseases including Jaundice.

Skin problems

Bharangi is a good blood purifier and beneficial to treat skin diseases, boils, herpes. It is also used in erysipelas (bacterial infection in the upper layer of the skin).

Female health

Bharangi is widely used in menstrual disorders specially amenorrhea (lack of ‘periods’ (menstrual cycles)). It can also be used in cysts and uterine fibroids.

Other Uses

Why Ayurveda24 Bharangi?

Concentrated with 250 mg extract of Bharangi


Organic product

Less dosage – one capsule a day will be sufficient.

We will soon witness the day where Modern Medicine and Herbs (opposite fields of medicine) will work together for the Treatment and Benefit of the human.