Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak Rasyan

Gandhak Rasayan is Sulphur based Ayurvedic Medicine, prepared by processing purified Sulphur in herbal ingredients. Sulphur/Sulfur also known as ‘Gandhak’ in Sanskrit and Hindi due to its strong & peculiar rotten-egg like smell. Gandhak is a non-metallic element naturally found. There are four varieties of Sulphur viz. red, yellow, white and black. Of these the red and black are not available now. Yellow variety is used for internal use and white is used for topical application.

Gandhaka Rasayana is famous Ayurvedic treatment for skin disorders which is available in tablet form. In Ayurveda, purified Sulphur is used in treatment of variety of diseases. Its internal use in small dosage, it has stimulant action on secreting organs such as skin, mucous membrane and hemorrhoids. It also possess Diuretic and laxative activity. It increases bile and is useful in skin diseases, rheumatism, consumption, enlarged spleen etc. In combination with mercury it is used in almost every diseases. Sulphur is used both internally and externally for treatment of diseases of skin.

It is widely used in the treatment of itching, chronic fevers, urinary tract disorders etc. Gandhak Rasayan has  a great antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It has proven beneficial in almost every type of bacterial and viral infections due to its broad-spectrum antibiotic like action.

Gandhak Rasayan has following properties


Treatment for Burning sensation

Gandhak Rasayan also works well in all conditions of skin like a common symptom of burning sensation or excess pitta. It is beneficial in pitta aggrevating disorders like burning sensation in hands and feet, burning sensation in skin, itching, burning sensation of tongue etc.

Ayurvedic treatment of Scabies

When taken Internally Gandhak Rasayan effectively eliminates itching and scabies rashes. However, you may also do local application of Neem oil or neem leaves and turmeric (Curcuma Longa) paste to get rid of this infection.

Ayruvedic treatment for Acne and pimples

Gandhak Rasayan is a wonderful medicine for reducing acne and pimples. It helps to purify blood, stops secondary infections & eliminates pus & toxins as well. It is specially prescribed in the treatment of acne vulgaris & pustular acnes.

Ayruvedic treatment for fever

Urticaria or hives and angioedema

Sometimes Small red spot occurs on your skin due to allergic reaction to allergens. It causes itching and sometimes burning sensation on the skin. Gandhak Rasayan is a drug of choice in ayurveda for this condition.


Gandhak Rasayana is termed “Rasayana” which literaly means rejuvenator. Rasayana are those drugs which promotes health and increases vigor, slows aging and provides longevity of life. Rasayana increases body immunity & can be used for long term without any side effects.

All types of skin diseases like pustules in skin, fungal infections, dandruff, ringworm, scabies, abscesses, kandu, kushtha, leprosy/mahakusta/kustaroga, itching, pama, eczema, urticaria, boils, pimples

Price – 360 for 60 tablets

Contraindication: people who have allergy with sulpha drugs.