Punar-Nav Capsules

Punar-Nav Plus

Punar-Nav Plus

Punar-Nav Plus (Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa )

BEST Kidney Herbal Supplement- Kidney failure Treatment

As the name suggests – Punah(re)+ nava(new): means to regenerate/repair- this herb repair renal parenchyma. It is one of the best herbs for kidneys which enhances kidney functioning. it is one of the herbs which is helpful for kidney failure treatment.


Each capsule contains 800mg extract of Punarnava

Part Used- Whole plant, root and leaf

Guna – According to Ayurvedic Terminology

Rasa (taste) – Madhura (sweet), Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent)
Guna (qualities)- Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness)
Vipaka- Katu (Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion)
Veerya- Ushna (Hot potency)
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha and Vata Dosha

Chemical constituents

Phytoconstituent of Punarnava is

Boeravinones A, B, C, D and E, Punarnavoside, rotenoids, lignans, flavones and sterols. T. Portulacastrum- Trianthemine and ecdysterone.
Punarnavoside is reported to have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antifibrinolytic and antibacterial properties. These constituents helps in kidney failure natural treatment.

Of the two liriodendrin, lignans and syringaresinol mono-β-D-glucoside found in the root extract of Punarnava, liriodendrin has a significant calcium channel blocking effect.

Calcium Channel Blockers reduce blood pressure & is used vastly in Cardiovascular disorders.

Researchers have reported that the plant extract contains potassium nitrate, in addition to punarnavine. It has been reported that the plant extract contains ursolic acid. The shoot contains 15 amino acids including six essential amino acids, and the root system contains 14 amino acids including seven essential amino acids. It is one of the best herbs for kidneys. Kidney failure natural treatment is incomplete with the use of this herb.

Ayurvedic Action of Punarnava

Arsha – effective in piles/arsh
Shotha Nashana, Shophahara – anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling in any body part
Panduhara –useful in the early stage of liver disorders or anemia
Hrudrogajit – helpful in all types of cardiac disorders.
Kasanut – treats cough and cold
Kaphapaha – decreases sputum
Urakshata – heals chest injury
Raktapradaradoshaghna – Useful in heavy periods, menorrhagia
Shulanut – treats colic pain/shool in stomach
Kshara – having alkaline properties {changes urinary pH towards alkaline range}
Deepani – increases digestive power.
Ruchya –increases appetite, reduces anorexia, increases the taste
Vranahara – heals wounds.
Udarahara – reduces ascites.
Gara Visha – detoxifies liver & kidney. It is of the best herbs for kidney health.

Urinary Tract Infection

Punarnav plus capsule is concentrated to give diuretic effects. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties is exhibited by Punarnav plus.  It is one of the best herbs for kidneys which can treat any kind of bacterial infection. It is able to clear all infections without the use of antibiotics. Bacterias like klebsiella, E.coli can easily be treated.

Nephrotic Syndrome

Research shows that Punarnava reduces proteins/albumin in urine, increases serum proteins/albumin in blood so it helps patients suffering from nephrotic syndrome. It is one of the best herbs for kidneys which cures Nephrotic Syndrome. Kidney failure treatment can easily be done with ayurveda24  Capsule punnar-Nav plus which have healing & rejuvenative effect on nephrons.

Punarnava also reduces edema associated with kidney dysfunction. It is one of the best herbs for kidneys which not only enhances GFR but improves kidney functioning as well.

Reduces Uric Acid

The flavonoid arbinofuranoside, present in the herb, helps to lower serum uric acid, which is helpful in treating urogenital disorders.

A quinolone alkaloid, lunamarine, isolated from Spreading hogweed has shown some in vitro anticancer activity, Anti-microbial properties. Research also shows that this is one of the best herbs for the kidneys that’s why used in Ayurvedic & in the Modern world for kidney failure treatment. Research is also being done in wide areas where Punarnava as a herb is proven to be effective in kidney failure natural treatment.



Recommended dose

For kidney failure patients whose creatinine is more than 3 mg/dl.- One capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician.

For kidney failure patients whose creatinine is less than 3 mg/dl.- One capsule, once a day or as directed by your physician.

For Urinary Tract Infections- One capsule a day for a month or two would completely remove the recurrence of the disease.

For nephrotic syndrome – As directed by your physician.

Note: Since ayurveda24 Pure Herbs are in capsule form, some children below 14 years may find it difficult to swallow the same.

WHY Ayurveda24 punarnava?

WARNING: We do not recommend this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider before use.