

Botanical nameRubia cordifolia

English Name – Indian madder

Hindi Name – Manjeeth

Common Name(s): Manjishtha

Useful parts: Roots,Stem

Classical Categorization







Energetics of Arjuna

According to Ayurveda

Taste (Rasa): Kshaya (Bitter), Madhur (sweet), Katu (astringent)
Potency (Virya): Shita (Cooling)
Post-digestive quality (Vipaka): Katu (Pungent)
Quality (Guna): Guru (Heavy), Ruksha (dry)
Effect on Tridosha: Pitta and kapha shamak

Energy: Shita (Cooling)

Chemical Composition

Anthraquinones and their glycosides, naphthoquinones and glycosides, terpenes, bicyclic hexapeptides, iridoids,11 carboxylic acids. Manjistha’s roots contains a chemical names as anthraquinone which is called purpurin (1,2,4-Trihydroxyanthraquinone) that gives this plant its characteristic red colour. Other constituents are munjistin, purpuroxanthin or xanthopurpurin and Pseudopurpurin.

Skin disorders-

It is a good blood purifier. It is the best herb for skin. It is used in healing skin tissues damaged by injury or infection. It inhibits androgen stimulation of sebaceous gland activity, colonization of bacterium which is responsible for skin problems. It has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties .hence it is used to treat acne, pimples, discoloration, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. It can be used externally for glowing of skin.

Gynecological problems-

It is widely used in problems related to menstrual cycle. It has astringent and anti oxidant properties so it is used to treat irregular menstrual cycle, pain during periods. It cools and detoxifies blood and also used in post natal ailments that affect the uterus.

Healing of injury- 

It is used in healing. It helps to protect blood clot formation. It has anti inflammatory properties. So it reduces the swelling if injury and promoted the healing of skin tissues as it is best herb for skin damaged by injury and infection.

Joint problems-

It is used to treat uric acid and arthritis. It has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties. It reduces swelling and pain. It lowers the uric acid level. It provides the calcium to bones. So it is used to treat rickets and calcium deficiency.


It detoxifies the blood, removes stagnant blood and dissolves obstruction in blood flow. It is used to cure both malignant and benign tumors.

Gall bladder stones-

It is difficult to treat gall bladder stone. It regulates digestion. It cleans and regulates the pancreas, spleen, liver and kidneys. All of these organs have a role in digestion and cleansing of the body. By regulating these organs, it indirectly promotes proper digestion and a clean bodily system.

 Heart problems-

 It is good for heart .It is used for health heart. It regulates blood pressure, blood vessel constriction and the tendency of blood to form clots.

It is safe to use in children and during lactation

Avoid in pregnancy

Why Ayurveda24 Manjishtha?

Concentrated with 500 mg extract of Amalki


Organic product

Less dosage – one capsule a day will be sufficient.

We will soon witness the day where Modern Medicine and Herbs (opposite fields of medicine) will work together for the Treatment and Benefit of the human.