Renal failure Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure

Allopathic Treatment of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease can sometimes lead to kidney failure (also known as end-stage renal disease). The kidney’s basic function is to remove waste elements and extra fluid from the blood.

When the kidney is unable to perform this function, it can be done artificially which is termed as Dialysis. Hemodialysis In hemodialysis, blood is pumped out of the body for cleansing with the help of a machine, and then purified blood is returned back into the body. This process takes approximately 4 hrs. and is done 3-4 times a week.

Dietary supplements and medication is also prescribed along with. Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) A cleansing liquid called a dialysis solution is filled in the abdomen with the help of a permanent soft tube called a catheter. The membrane lining of the walls of the abdominal cavity is called the peritoneum. Waste and extra fluid pass from the blood into the dialysis solution through the Peritoneum. When the dialysis solution is drained out of the body, waste and extra fluid also gets removed.

This is called an Exchange Peritoneal Dialysis. Dietary supplements and medication are also advised. Kidney Transplant When one kidney stops functioning person can still lead a normal life but when both kidneys fail then a kidney transplant is necessary. In this process, the damaged kidney is replaced by a healthy kidney that can take over the work of the failed kidneys. Thus a person resumes with a normal healthy life.

Ayurveda and Chronic Renal Failure

Ayurveda has a completely different approach to treat kidney failure. Ayurveda says there are seven basic dhatus in the human body namely Rasa, Rakta, Masa, Meda, Asthi, Shukar & Ojha. The kidney as an organ is “Rakta” and “Meda” dhatus. The basic lies in treating these two dhatus if we have to treat kidneys. According to Ayurvedic Physiology, there are two waste materials in the body ‘ama’ and ‘kitta’. ‘Ama’ is a substance that is formed by undigested/fermented food which generally happens in any individual. ‘Kitta’ can be compared with waste which is removed from the body like sweat, feces, and urine.

There are three doshas in Ayurveda i.e. Vata, Pitta & Kapha. If they are working in a synchronized manner it signifies a healthy body system. The disease is caused by vitiated doshas. In Renal Impairment, Kapha dosha is vitiated. Especially, its type named Kledak Kapha, which moistens the ingested food and thus helps in the digestion process. Kledak Kapha governs the mucous lining of the digestive system, especially the stomach. Due to altered Vata or Pitta, if Kledak Kapha reduces then acidity, burning sensation, indigestion occurs. When Kledak Kapha is high it results in slow digestion, nausea, etc. When Kledak Kapha in the kidney is vitiated then kidney functions are also impaired. Impairment of Apana Vayu, a type of Vayu, will also impair the excretion of urine or cause urine retention. Pachaka Pitta, again a type of Pitta, produces the urine in the intestine and the kidney just helps to excrete the pre-formed urine, traveling with Rasa dhatu to the kidneys. So, synchronizing the three doshas Vata, Pitta & Kapha is the goal of Ayurvedic renal failure treatment.

Ayurveda has certain herbs that can reverse the kidney damage either partly or fully. Ayurvedic treatment for renal failure supports kidney function. That means the patient has to be dependent on medicines for a long. The frequency of dialysis can be reduced with Ayurvedic treatment & other associated signs and symptoms of unwellness, weakness, pains in bones and joints, malaise vanish. The risk of cardiovascular diseases can be significantly reduced. Ayurvedic medicine can treat and rejuvenate renal epithelium. Prevention is the key to success in renal failure. Progressive & Chronic disorders like Diabetes & High Blood Pressure do organ damage, especially to kidneys.

Lifestyle Changes & keeping all vitals (like Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar) in normal limits is the key to good health. The main goal of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is to rejuvenate kidney cells & prevent further damage to the kidney. There are a lot of herbs mentioned in Ayurvedic text for kidney failure which reduces the frequency of dialysis.

How Ayurvedic Herbs score over Allopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure?

The adverse effects of diuretics which are generally overprescribed by doctors are Hypovolemia (decrease in blood plasma), Hypokalemia (low potassium), Hyperkalemia (high Potassium), Hyponatremia (electrolyte disturbance, low sodium ion), Metabolic alkalosis (increased pH in the skin), Metabolic acidosis (low blood pH), Hyperuricemia ( high levels of uric acid). Other side effects of the allopathic treatment for kidney failure:

  • Lassitude, fatigue
  • Muscle cramps, weakness
  • Hypotension
  • Paralysis
  • Arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat
  • CNS symptoms like headaches, neck pain, etc.
  • Kussmaul respirations (labored breathing)
  • Neurological Symptoms like lethargy, coma, seizures, stupor (unresponsiveness to various stimuli)
  • Gout/tissue calcification
  • Anorexia
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Pancreatitis

Our Ayurvedic medicine for renal failure has got no such side effects, rather cover up all these kinds of symptoms. With our Ayurvedic medicine, Creatinine & Urea levels come down slowly & gradually the frequency of dialysis is reduced. In Ayurvedic renal failure treatment, we provide some herbs which are well documented to treat renal epithelium in Ayurvedic Texts. The goals of treatment for renal failure are to:

  • Correct or treat the cause of kidney failure.
  • Support the kidneys until they have healed and can work properly.
  • Prevent or treat any complications caused by acute renal failure.

Lifestyle Changes & Diet Management

This is a general thing that you will find Ayurvedic Specialists’ discussing with patients with different sorts of problems because the current lifestyle is the basic reason behind many of the health issues being faced in the modern world. This is recommended mostly with Ayurvedic Medicine.

The kidney is being unable to do its normal function which is filtering blood, the same waste remains in the blood & causes a lot of problems. Along with there is sometimes a sodium-potassium imbalance associated with the overuse of diuretic drugs like furosemide. Our team of doctors suggests and advises lifestyle changes which may include limiting carbohydrates, high protein, fatty foods, fluids, sodium, potassium, and phosphorous in diet. A low protein diet is advised to a renal failure patient as urea is increased in blood & it is the main metabolite of protein breakdown.

We will be advising diet according to your prakruti as said in our assessment form. Our physicians will be advising a strict life routine along with. Treatment for renal failure in Ayurveda is based on deep belief and faith of the patient as to how much he follows our physician. To know more about the herbs and renal failure treatment click on the words. Along with diet, some other precautions are also important for a kidney failure patient. Yoga and pranayama is the key to a healthy life. All in all best renal failure treatment is done in advance Ayurveda.