
How to Keep a Healthy Heart!!!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Taking Care of Your Heart Following A Simple Lifestyle And Paying Little Attention To Diet Can Help You Maintain Healthy Condition Of Your Heart.
  1. According to Ayurveda, Ama is the main cause of heart disease. Ama is a toxic material that is produced by undigested food. Therefore, one must make sure that one eats only that amount of specific food(According to one’s Prakriti) and type of foods that can digest properly.
  2. Avoid over-eating and eating frequently. Chew your food properly.
  3. Milk products, fried foods, cold foods, and acidic foods should be taken in small quantities. White flour products and foods that contain chemical preservatives and additives should be avoided.
  4. Animal products, especially red meat, are not good as they take a long time to be digested, and create a lot of toxins in the stomach.
  5. Seasonal fruits and fresh vegetables (steamed or cooked), wholemeal bread or chapatti, salad, sprouts, vegetable soup, buttermilk, cottage cheese (paneer), a little quantity of fresh milk and ghee (clarified butter) make up an ideal list of food items to choose from.
  6. Anything sweet should be taken in moderation. Honey and jaggery are healthier than purified sugar.
  7. Amla (Indian gooseberry) is very beneficial for the heart. It can be taken fresh, preserved or in powder form.
  8. Stress is the major culprit behind these diseases. Practice yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) regularly to reduce stress levels. Also, meditation has been scientifically proven to prevent as well as cure heart diseases.
  9. A gentle head massage with or without oil several times a week is very beneficial. A full-body self-massage with oil once a week is also good.
  10. Too much tea, coffee, alcohol, and smoking is not good for the heart and should be given up. They weaken the liver and digestive power, and so form ama.
  11. Drinking water kept overnight in a copper pot strengthens the heart.
  12. A herb that has been scientifically proven to prevent and cure heart diseases is Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). It can be taken in powder form or the bark of the tree can be boiled to make tea.
  13. Rudraksha (a fruit) has a beneficial effect on the heart. These seeds can be strung together and worn in the form of a necklace, or the seeds may be soaked in water overnight and the water should be taken early in the morning.
  14. Obesity, another reason for heart disorders, must be controlled by physical exercise and diet management. One should aim for a healthy weight.
  15. Diabetes is one of the culprits behind heart diseases. So it needs to be managed with diet and medicine.
  16. Alcohol consumption should be limited.
Tips for Making A Healthy Heart.
  1. Soak ¼ to ½ teaspoon of dalchini powder in water overnight. Drink it in the morning empty regularly. Following it regularly can stop heart blockages & unclog arteries.
  2. Take ½ to 1 walnut (soaked overnight) regularly empty stomach, this strengthens the muscles of heart which pump blood to the whole of your body without taking any rest.
  3. Arjuna, muscle protector herb, should be taken daily. It can be given in milk or water daily empty stomach. Arjuna Capsules are also available. See our video on ARJUNA
  4. Taking Triphala at night reduces Vata and improves bowel movement. Triphala also happens to detox and declog arteries.
  5. Haldi (Turmeric, Curcumin) taken daily with milk also strengthen organs like the liver and kidneys.
  6. Oil of jyotishmati (malkagni tail) can be used in curing angina pain.

Please watch our video to know more about Healthy Diet. 

ayurvedic treatment for pkd

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pkd

Polycystic Kidney Disease

PKD is an inherited kidney disorder. It causes fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. PKD may impair kidney function and cause kidney failure.

PKD is generally inherited. Less commonly, it develops in patients who have other serious kidney problems.

There are three types of PKD.

Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD)

According to UCM, ADPKD accounts for about 90 percent of PKD cases. This form of the disease is passed from parent to child by dominant inheritance. In other words, only one copy of the abnormal gene is needed to cause the disease. If one parent has the disorder, the chance of passing it down to their child is 50 percent (UCM, 2012). ADPKD is sometimes called adult PKD. Symptoms usually develop later in life, between the ages of 30 and 40. However, symptoms can start in childhood.

Autosomal Recessive PKD (ARPKD)

It is also inherited. However, both parents must carry the gene for the disease. This form of the disease is passed from parent to child by recessive inheritance. Symptoms can begin in the earliest months of life, even in the womb. It tends to be very serious, progresses rapidly, and is often fatal in the first few months of life. This form of ARPKD is extremely rare. It occurs in 1 out of 25,000 people.

There are four types of ARPKD:

  • perinatal form (the disorder is present at birth)
  • neonatal form (the disorder occurs within the first month of life)
  • infantile form (the disorder occurs when the child is 3 to 6 months old)
  • a juvenile form (the disorder occurs after the child is 1 year old)

Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease (ACKD)

ACKD is not inherited. It usually develops in patients who already have other kidney problems. It is more common in those who have kidney failure or are on dialysis. ACKD usually occurs later in life.

ACKD can happen in kidneys with long-term damage and severe scarring, so it is often associated with kidney failure and dialysis. About 90 percent of people on dialysis for 5 years develop ACKD. People with ACKD usually seek help because they notice blood in their urine. This is because the cysts bleed into the urinary system, which discolors urine.

What Are the Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

The main symptoms of PKD include:

  • pain or tenderness in the abdomen
  • blood in the urine
  • frequent urination
  • pain in the sides
  • urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • kidney stones
  • high blood pressure

Sometimes There Is No Symptom At All. Only A Simple Ultrasound Tells You To Have Cystic Kidneys.


PKD is an inherited disorder.

Review family history. Initial test:

  • a complete blood count (CBC) looking for anemia or signs of infection
  • a urinalysis looking for blood and/or protein

Imaging tests used to diagnose PKD include:

  • abdominal ultrasound: the most useful, non-invasive study using sound waves to look for cysts
  • abdominal CT scan: can detect smaller cysts in the kidney; uses X-rays to build a cross-section of your abdomen
  • abdominal MRI scan: uses strong magnets to image your body to visualize kidney structure and look for cysts
  • intravenous pyelogram (IVP): uses a dye to make your blood vessels show up more clearly on an X-ray

Polycystic Kidney Disease Watch Video to Know More


The goal of PKD treatment is to manage symptoms.

  • pain medication
  • blood pressure medication
  • antibiotics (to treat UTI)
  • a low-sodium (salt) diet
  • diuretics (to help remove excess fluid)
  • surgery (to drain cysts and help relieve discomfort)

With advanced PKD, dialysis and kidney transplant may be necessary. One or both of the kidneys may need to be removed.

Ayurvedic treatment for PKD is very useful in providing symptomatic relief.  Ayurvedic formulations have no side effects like Allopathic medicine. Also, Ayurvedic medicines can maintain blood pressure & maintain urine flow to reduce future complications like ascites.

What Other Organs Besides The Kidney Are Affected By PKD?

PKD can affect other organs besides the kidney. People with PKD may have cysts in their liver, pancreas, spleen, ovaries, and large bowel. PKD can also affect the brain or heart.

Other Complications

  • anemia (insufficient red blood cells)
  • bleeding or bursting of cysts
  • high blood pressure
  • kidney stones
  • recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • cardiovascular disease- mitral valve prolapse
  • brain aneurysms
  • diverticula (pouches or pockets in the wall of the colon)
  • cataracts or blindness
  • liver disease

Does Everyone With PKD Develop Kidney Failure?

No. About 50 percent of people with PKD will have kidney failure by age 60, and about 60 percent will have kidney failure by age 70. Certain people have an increased risk of kidney failure including:

  • men
  • patients with high blood pressure
  • patients with protein or blood in their urine
  • women with high blood pressure who have had more than three pregnancies


In most people, PKD slowly gets worse over time. It may lead to liver disease. Eventually, the disease ends in kidney failure.

Proper medical care can relieve PKD symptoms for years, managing it with Ayurveda can help.

Talk to a genetic counselor if you have a family history of PKD and are planning to have children.



Yes, there is an old saying “Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY”. We will say – If you have will, We will show you the WAY.

The Ayurvedic Treatment For PKD Will Have The Following Medicines:

 Vridhivatika Vati

  1. Loknath Rasa
  2. Kanchnar guggul
  3. Vijaysar

 For more information & for purchasing these products, you can call our helpline no. +91 8699017567( 8 AM to 8 PM IST)

Ayurvedic Treatment for Heart Blockages


Ayurvedic Treatment

Heart blockage is a tough medical condition in which blood flow in the Heart arteries is compromised( due to plaques/clots). In this situation, Heart muscles get affected & the damage done is irreversible, The few symptoms of heart blockage are pain in the chest,  breathlessness, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, Slow and irregular heartbeat and in severe cases heart failure associated with this health issue. Ayurvedic medicine/treatment for heart blockage is one of the best treatments accepted worldwide.

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renal failure treatment

Renal Failure Treatment – Stop Dialysis

  Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Stop Dialysis

Renal Failure Treatment

Kidney Failure is a dreaded disease. Patient not only suffers physically but also mentally disturbed because of dialysis process and other complications going on. Complications like Vomiting, Itching, Swelling, Stomach Pain, Weakness, Fever etc. Also, the major fear in a kidney patient is “TRANSPLANT”. Financially stable person opts to go for transplant but we have already discussed the success rate of transplant and possible complications after transplant.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Heart Blockages – Diet

Diet and Exercise is a very important part of the Ayurvedic Treatment for Heart Blockages...

Exercise includes Yoga and Pranayama. Diet is a very complex component in itself as the patient is not able to understand what to eat and what to avoid. There are many diet charts available online for a heart patient, obviously, the individual patient's condition is different so please consult the doctor before start following any diet indications.

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Kidney Failure, Its Stages & Ayurvedic Treatment


Kidney failure, its stages Ayurvedic Treatment.


With chronic kidney disease, the kidneys don’t usually fail all at once. Instead, kidney disease often progresses slowly over a period of years.

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) created a guideline to help doctors identify each level of kidney disease. The NKF divided kidney disease into five stages.

Where you are placed into CKD stage 3 or higher, it usually depends on an estimate of kidney function.

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best measure of kidney function. A math formula using the person’s age, race, gender, and serum creatinine is used to calculate a GFR. A doctor will order a blood test to measure the serum creatinine level. As kidney function slows, blood levels of creatinine rise.

Even with a normal GFR, you may be at increased risk for developing CKD if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of kidney disease. The risk increases with age: People over 65 are more than twice as likely to develop CKD as people between the ages of 45 and 65.

Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease


(estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) ml/min/1.73 m

Stage 1: the eGFR shows normal kidney function but you are already known to have some kidney damage or disease. For example, you may have some protein or blood in your urine, an abnormality of your kidney, kidney inflammation, etc. The goals of treatment are to slow the progression of CKD and reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

90 or more

Stage 2: Mildly reduced kidney function AND you are already known to have some kidney damage or disease. Continue treatment to reduce the risk of other health problems.

60 to 89

Stage 3: Moderately reduced kidney function. (With or without known kidney disease. ) Anemia and bone problems become more common. Work to prevent or treat these complications.

45 to 59 (3A)

30 to 44 (3B)

Stage 4: Severely reduced kidney function. (With or without known kidney disease.) Continue following the treatment for complications of CKD.

15 to 29

Stage 5: Very severely reduced kidney function. This is sometimes called end-stage kidney failure or established renal failure.

Less than 15 or On Dialysis

* All GFR values are normalized to an average surface area (size) of 1.73m2 Suffixes:

p suffix: the addition of p to a stage (e.g. 3Ap, 4p) means that there is significant proteinuria (more info)

T - the addition of T to a stage (e.g. 3AT) indicates that the patient has a renal transplant.

D - the addition of D to stage 5 CKD (e.g. 5D) indicates that the patient is on dialysis


Allopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure

Alternative Treatment (Ayurveda) for Kidney Failure

1. Steroids, Suppresses Symptoms, Doesn’t Control Progression, Complications like Heart, Bone problems Curable with Ayurveda, Disease removed from roots, No side effects, Control Complications

2. Steroids, Suppresses Symptoms, Doesn’t Control Progression, Complications like Heart, Bone problems, Other Side effects Curable with Ayurveda, Disease removed from roots, Control Complications, No side effects

3. Steroids, Suppresses Symptoms, Doesn’t Control Progression, Complications like Heart, Bone problems, Side effects like Puffiness on face 90% Curable, Controlling the progression of the disease, Control Complications

4. Dialysis, May ask for Transplant 90% Curable With controlling the progression of the disease, Stop Dialysis, No need for Transplant

5. Dialysis, Transplant 80% Curable, Manageable With Controlling Progression of disease, Stop Dialysis, No need for Transplant

My stage keeps changing: It is normal for measurements of creatinine and therefore GFR to change a bit from one measurement to the next. In some patients, these changes may seem large, and enough to move you from one stage to another and then back again. As long as things aren't getting progressively worse, it is the average that is important.

For more info please watch the video[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure (Kidney Failure Treated) – Real Life Experience of a Patient

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure works wonders in saving the life of patients suffering from the disease and striving for life.

Treating patients suffering from kidney problems for years. Cases like IgA Nephropathy, Pyelonephritis, Glomerulonephritis, Hypertensive Nephropathy, Diabetic Nephropathy.

A Patient sharing her experience about Ayurvedic Medicine with Dr. Aggarwal’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Research Centre.


I am just 22 years of age, was diagnosed with kidney failure about three and a half years ago. My treatment was going at Kidney Hospital Jalandhar, but my condition did not improve at all after the treatment, rather I was diagnosed with Tuberculosis after the treatment. I was on Dialysis as recommended by doctors. My weight reduced to as low as 33 kgs. I was in the dark as everybody else recommended going for a transplant which we couldn’t even afford. I thought of losing my life. Then I met Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal at Chandigarh who advised me Ayurvedic Treatment for kidney failure. Before I was on dialysis twice a week & slowly and slowly with continuous medication and diet precaution it reduced to twice a month. Now my Dialysis has stopped. Tuberculosis is also cured. My Creatinine is stable at 2.2mg/dl. Recovery is good as seen from the reports. I feel great as I can do my household chores and other things without other’s help. I am very happy. It's like getting a new life. Thank you, Dr. Aggarwal, for saving my life.

Watch the video for complete information.